Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Our charges are based on the weight, and location of the package being delivered. The base charge is $3.99. However the prices are subject to change based on the size, weight and distance of the package.

We accept credit card, and Paypal payments.

Most packages are delivered within a week of order. However depending on where the order is being delivered to, it could take up to two weeks.

We have secured our site to make sure that purchases online can be made safely.

Once order is made, you will receive a confirmation of the order. If there are any questions we will contact you via email. Most orders are straight forward. Once received we begin the process of filling the order. It takes as a few days to print our products and we send them as soon as they are completed.

The website automatically create an invoice that you can print off for your personal records.

Send us an email

Using the form above will ensure that we receive your message. It normally takes us 24 hours to respond to emails.